You use your hands for basically everything from washing your hands to typing on your computer to even driving. So, it’s important that you understand how to prevent injuries to your hands or wrists as this could put a damper on your work and personal life. Check out five of the most common hand and wrist injuries with IMPACT Physical Therapy as well as how you can avoid them. Then, visit us near South Loop for all of your physical therapy needs.
One of the most common hand injuries that most Lakeview residents are aware of is carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome results from the nerves that run down your arms to your hands and fingers being overworked. The median nerve is what runs down your arms and controls the movement of your fingers, and performing the same movement over and over again can cause the inside of your wrists to swell and the median nerve to compress.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:
Your finger muscles are connected to bone by tendons, which are covered by a layer of material called synovium. Synovium releases fluid to keep the tendons lubricated, but if a tendon is injured, then the synovium won’t provide enough fluid to the tendons. The tendon will become inflamed, which results in you not being able to extend your finger.
Symptoms of trigger finger include:
Along with the median nerve, there’s another nerve that runs down your arms called the ulnar nerve. It’s located more towards your elbow, so if you lean on your elbows often or work with tools that vibrate, then this nerve can become compressed. Some symptoms of this common hand injury are:
Usually, when you hear the term “fractures”, it’s in reference to a broken bone. But, smaller fractures can refer to stressed or injured tendons, which would be known as “stress fractures”. These kinds of fractures can come from repetitive movements and actions. Symptoms of fractures can include:
If you suspect that you may have a fracture, even if you don’t feel a great deal of pain, visit IMPACT Physical Therapy to get diagnosed.
As mentioned, your fingers all have tendons binding them together, and so do your hands and wrists. Overusing them can cause them to become inflamed, which results in tendonitis. Symptoms of tendonitis can include the following:
For all of your hand injury treatment needs, visit IMPACT Physical Therapy in Chicago. Set up an appointment today to see how you can get your hands feeling better and working normally.
Contact us to get the treatment you need to get back to your daily routine.