Non-Operative Management of Common Shoulder Pain/Injuries
Course Presenters: Christopher Hicks, MD and Bob Griffin, PT, DPT, SCS, Astym Cert.
Location: Virtual Webinar
Course Description
- Introduction (5 min)
- Shoulder anatomy (5 min)
- Mechanisms of injury/shoulder pathology (15 min)
- Non-surgical treatment of shoulder injuries (10 min)
- Unique considerations with the WC patient (10 min)
- Physical Therapy treatment/importance of manual therapy (15 min)
- Conclusion/Q&A

Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, April 13th at 7:30 pm for an in-depth discussion with Dr. Christopher Hicks, MD and Bob Griffin, PT, DPT, SCS, Astym Cert. on common shoulder pain and injuries and their clinical approaches to management and treatment of shoulder complex injuries with a focus on common shoulder injuries in the workplace caused by acute or sudden trauma.
Introduction to Concussion Evaluation and Treatment
Course Presenter: Tim Rylander PT, EdD, MPT, OCS, CBIS
Location: IMPACT Physical Therapy Hinsdale
Course Description
A concussion is a neurometabolic pathology occurring from either a direct or indirect blow to the head. In recent times much attention has been given towards concussion, specifically concussion identification, diagnosis, and prevention. Despite these efforts, it is estimated that nearly four million sports-related concussions occur annually and even more occurring in other non-sports related arenas such as from motor vehicle collisions, assaults, and falls. This course is specifically designed to introduce the concepts of concussion management to the physical therapist. Concepts covered in this course include but are not limited to: concussion pathology, trends in concussion management, return-to-play decision making, return-to-learn concepts, and concussion examination.

Phone: 630-819-8384