Concussion Rehab | IMPACT Physical Therapy Services & Treatments

Concussion Rehab

A concussion could have occurred and you may not have known it. Our physical therapists at IMPACT Physical Therapy & Sports Recovery will examine your neurological, orthopedic, and cardiovascular systems in order to best prescribe a routine to address your particular symptoms and your needs in all of your daily environments.

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What Is A Concussion?

Concussion is a brain injury that occurs when the brain is violently shaken. The injury can happen during rapid movement changes (such as whiplash) or when the head is directly hit. This shaking or hitting of the head causes unpredictable injury to any area of the brain, resulting in immediate or delayed changes in the brain’s chemistry and function. Less than 10% of concussions involve a loss of consciousness. Depending on which area of the brain suffers injury, many different temporary or permanent problems with brain function can occur.

What Causes A Concussion?

Concussions can occur at any age, from a variety of causes, including:

  • Motor vehicle collisions (ie, head impact, whiplash)
  • Work accidents (ie, falls, head trauma)
  • Playground accidents (ie, falling from a slide or swing)
  • Sports injury to the head or neck
  • Falls (which are the leading cause of concussions)

Recovery from a concussion can take several weeks to several months and sometimes years, depending on many factors, including severity of the injury and the age of the person affected.

How Can IMPACT Physical Therapy & Sports Recovery Help?

Physical therapists can evaluate and treat many problems related to concussion. Because no two concussions are the same. Here at IMPACT Physical Therapy & Sports Recovery will examine your neurological, orthopedic, and cardiovascular systems in order to best prescribe a routine to address your particular symptoms and your needs in all of your daily environments. Contact us at IMPACT Physical Therapy & Sports Recovery Hinsdale to schedule a consultation today!

Locations performing this service

Hinsdale , Champaign ,

Preventing or recovering from an injury can be difficult. Let IMPACT Physical Therapy & Sports Recovery help you get back in the game with our expert Physical Therapists. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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