Is Physical Therapy Covered by Insurance? | IMPACT Physical Therapy

Is Physical Therapy Covered by Insurance?

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If you’re in for a long recovery after an injury or surgical procedure, you’re probably wondering if insurance will pay for physical therapy. The answer is yes — most insurance plans will cover medically necessary physical therapy services that are provided by a licensed physical therapist. Before you schedule with a Chicago-area provider, confirm with your state’s physical therapy licensure agency that your physical therapist is licensed and in good standing with the Illinois physical therapy chapter.

Insurance coverage for physical therapy will vary in terms of what procedures your provider will cover, and what percentage of the cost they will pay. Below, the team at IMPACT Physical Therapy will answer frequently-asked questions about physical therapy insurance coverage.

When Is Physical Therapy Not Covered By Insurance?

Will insurance pay for physical therapy of all types? Certain kinds of physical therapy services are not generally covered by insurance plans. These include health education courses, wellness and fitness programs, performance enhancement for sports, and some types of prevention programs. 

Before you book your PT appointment, ask your physical therapist whether their services are typically covered by insurance. Whether their services are covered or not, your physical therapist’s office should be able to tell you how much you can expect to pay.

Can You Go Out-of-Network for Physical Therapy?

Sometimes physical therapy is covered by insurance, but the therapist you’d like to work with isn’t in your network. As with most medical services, it’s usually possible to go out-of-network and pay more for services. Your provider will pay a lower percentage of your PT costs, so be sure to budget for a higher payment if you go this route.

Can You Get Physical Therapy Without Insurance?

If you don’t currently have insurance, you’ll want to know what options are available to you. So, will insurance pay for physical therapy if you don’t have coverage? If possible, you can pay for services out-of-pocket. If the cost is too high, your physical therapist may be able to modify your program to involve more at-home exercises or help you to set up a payment plan.

Find Out if We Accept Your Insurance Plan at IMPACT Physical Therapy

Does your insurance cover physical therapy services at our locations in Chicago and the southwest suburbs? We accept a wide range of popular insurance plans — including Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, United Heath Care, and many more. Our team is here to assist with any questions you may have about coverage for physical therapy! Contact us or request an appointment today.